Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Acupressure Labor

Naturally Induce Labor With Acupressure

For women, natural methods during pregnancy- like the "Acupressure Labor" technique - have grown to become second nature.

I cant tell you why - if its because of new discoveries and newly found side effects of so many medicines. Or maybe we just know, as mothers, that introducing all kinds of chemicals to our unborn babies is just not the best idea.

Personally, I have realized that using the Acupressure Labor method is hands down the smartest thing I ever did - and it wasnt really ME that thought of it. But I DID do it - and it made my life so much easier during my first pregnancy.

What is the Acupressure Labor Method?

Acupressure is actually the use of pressing on certain parts of the body to ease pain and/or to cause bodily functions.

By pressing on the right spots, we can actually cause the baby to begin its journey towards delivery. And not only is it completely safe and natural - but it HELPS WITH THE PAIN.

And many women have experienced labor within just 20 minutes of using Acupressure.

If you would like to see the complete review of the Acupressure Labor method -just follow the link -you'll be glad you did;)

Acupressure to Induce Labor

Natural Diet For Pregnancy

Eating Naturally During Pregnancy

What we eat during our pregnancy is of the highest priority for women. A natural diet during pregnancy is so vital - ESPECIALLY for women here, in the West. I hate to say it, but our diet is so far off track, that most doctors just assume that we need "chemically balanced" supplements.

BUT- supplements arent good either.

So I wanted to provide some tips for how we can eat properly and naturally during our pregnancy -and avoid those "chemically balanced" supplements too.

My main goal is to give you some of the basic ideas of what our bodies NEED during pregnancies. I will try to provide for you the actual foods where the vitamins and other natural ingredients can be found -but you may want to find other foods that suit your tastes.

Beginning Of Pregnancy

During the first few months of pregnancy, cell division within the fetus is very intense. And its at this time that we must provide our baby with energy .And, in the same way that we might eat stuff , like pastas, our baby will need foods that help with the cell division process - only we must feed them proteins, and we must eat nuts , legumes and other related foods.

Make sure to eat these proteins and legumes at lunch -giving the food plenty of time to digest while you are awake.

Later in The Pregnancy

At the end of the pregnancy the maternal bones will begin to release calcium for the baby.This is a good time for you to eat dairy foods, greens and soy products.

And as a helpful tip -try to drink raspberry tea, it will soften up the cervix.

IMPORTANT Vitamins and Ingredients

These are your basic building blocks of a sound, natural diet for pregnant women. The main goal here, is to eat the proper amounts, so as to COMPLETELY AVOID any supplements that the doctors might try to offer.

1.Iron - Highly toxic, but necessary - greens,dried fruit ,leefy greens
2Folic Acid - Aid in cell division - Whole Grains, nuts, dairy
3.Vitamin B - Supplements mask urine tests- so eat things like grains nuts and beans
4.Calcium - lack of causes cramps - dairy,nuts soy and kelp

These are some of the basics for eating healthy - and naturally while pregnant.

They are to give you a better idea of what our bodies and our babies need during the crucial months of our pregnancy.

Always make sure you speak with a doctor or healthcare professional before you make any drastic changes to your diet.

For more information on how you can naturally induce labor and relieve labor pains naturally, just follow the link:

Induce Labor and Relieve Labor Pains Naturally

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Natural Pain Management During Labor

Managing pain naturally during labor is usually a top priority for most women.

During our pregnancy, we go through enough uncomfortableness to last a life time. And it should never be too much to ask, if we want to be relieved of a little pain. But even then, we still want to avoid medical treatments for pain.

And we can completely avoid using the "Big Needle" if we prepare ourselves properly.

Here are a few of the most common methods for relieving pain naturally during labor - (Remember, ALWAYS consult a professional before taking ANY advice)

1. Stay Active

During child birth , a womens body is going to go through hell. I mean, you dont have to have 2 or 3 pregnancies under your belt to know that. So getting some sort of routine going, like walking on a regular basis, or even some simple exercises.

This will help you too stay "with it' during labor -and not to mention,you will build your stamina up as well. AND THATS IMPORTANT.

2. Bradley Method

The Bradley Method is usually referred to as thye Husband method- because the wife and the husband wo0rk together during the training. The goal is to be completely prepared for ANYTHING that could happen during labor/child birth.
But it also concentrates on things like nutrition and exercises.

AND, it makes sure we have a plan just in case we HAVE to take soemthing for the pain or have a C-Section.

3. Simple Breathing

It may seem simple, but its very important. And , i am talking about getting yourself ready -like practicing your breathing techniques BEFORE you go into labor.

4. Listen To Music

Listening to music is outstanding for keeping your mind OFF OF of the pain during labor. Although some women want to actually experience all the sounds and the focus on the husband and the like - but for alot of women, that have already had a baby, this works out great to take the mind off of the pain.

5. Meditation or Visualization

When we are faced with certain pain or discomfort, the human mind has the ornate ability to re-focus on deep, inner-thoughts as a way to "forget" about the pain. This method has been used by monks and martial arts experts for centuries as a way to test there patience and ability to pass strength tests- like walking on burning coals, lying on blades and more.

6. Massage or Acupressure

With massage or acupressure we can actually force our bodies to react in a positive way - like relaxing muscles or softening the cervix and what not. By learning proper techniques, many pregnant women have found that the pain almost completely subsides.

Although these are just some simple methods for easing the pain during labor- if you take them seriously and apply them to your labor and pregnancy, you will find that there will be alot less pain -making your pregnancy alot more enjoyable.

I hope you enjoyed this Information - and I hope that it has been helpful to you-
If you would like some information on how to induce Your labor naturally - AND ease the pain at the same time -just follow the link below:

Natural Induce Labor

Acupressure To Induce Labor

Acupressure Points to Induce Labor

Acupressure has been used by women for centuries to help with inducing labor -actually, there is no written record of the first time that Acupressure was actually used.

Although some believe that it may have been a standard for of easing pain with pregnant women in ancient times- among other things.

Acupressure, is simply the act of pressing particular points on the body to relieve pain, or to help the body perform certain functions.

As for pregnancy and labor, the Acupressure method to induce labor will actually cause contractions around 20 minutes after it is performed. Although it doesnt work on all women -it is completely proven and known to provide pregnant mothers to be with added benefits:

  • Like less pain during child birth
  • Shortens delivery time greatly
  • Keeps the women and child safely calm -no over-stimulation
  • And an overall better child birth experience
And Acupressure is not JUST for women that want to speed up labor contractions or speed up slow early labor - MANY, MANY women believe in using Acupressure,everytime they conceive.

And it is completely understandable as most child births that are had in conjunction with Acupressure are far more pleasant , relatively speaking.

I would love to for you to find out more about Acupressure and how you can begin learning and understanding it right away - here is the link to the Acupressure Information page:

Acupressure to Induce Labor